Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Evangelist accuses Obama of 'distorting' Bible

In context of Obama's recent comment regarding keeping religion out of politics Obama stated "Which passages of scripture should guide our public policy?" in which he then compared differences between the old and new testament of the Christian Bible.

Evangelist James Dobson immediately jumped on Obama by saying:"Obama should not be referencing antiquated dietary codes and passages from the Old Testament that are no longer relevant to the teachings of the New Testament."

Alright... kinda hard to ignore this...
I'm shocked honestly that not many recognize the fact that Judaism doesn't consider the Hebrew Bible (aka Old Testament) as "antiquated dietary codes". Nor do the Roman Catholic or Eastern Christian New Testaments match... The list doesn't stop there, but I think you get my point... Who's to say your Holy Book is the right one?

The understanding of this dilemma was, I believe Obama's rather valid point in the first place in expressing the dangers of integrating the bible with government and legislature. A country in this day and age can not be ruled by one religious creed.

playin---PJ Harvey- "50Ft Queenie", Squaremeter - ""tahat"

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