Friday, August 29, 2008

An Obama supporter as McCain's VP

Did you know that McCain's chosen VP, Sarah Palin from Alaska has gone on the record, supporting Obama's judgement on energy policy over McCain's and expressing excitement that Obama was pulling ahead in her homestate???

just wondering.

(edit: I posted this blog entry and didn't back it up with any links, but now that i put them in there, you wont want to miss any of them, especially the last one. )

Palin did question Obama's proposal to tax oil company profits... because the state of Alaska's JACKPOT is windfall tax from oil profits!!! Does anybody know anything about Alaska and Oil?!?

Not taxing oil profits might be reallllly good for the state of Alaska, but not so good for the rest of the country who rely on other industries that have been completely neglected and not offered the incentives and loop holes available for oil companies. This is a big "screw you" to blue collar workers who don't work for the oil industry. Palin might be experienced with working in the energy business but that doesn't mean she's not in tight with the oil business... her self-before country politically charged stance on windfall taxes are a crystal clear demonstration of exactly why she is a pawn of the oil industry, and not the "she-maverick" the McCain camp is trying to paint her up to be.

She claims: “Windfall profits taxes alone prevent additional investment in domestic production. Without new supplies from American reserves, our dependency and addiction to foreign sources of oil will continue,”

A strong talking point for Republicans is their believe that stubbornly not taxing profits REGARDLESS of economic situations (believe me we have an economic SITUATION) reduce the incentive to invest in industries... TOTAL BS. Oil is a COMMODITY. Currently, our country completely relies on it. believe me, there is incentive to get involved with the oil industry. If you ask me, Windfall profits taxes ENCOURAGE technological developments and advancements in streamlining our economy instead of putting our economy in molasses thick stalemate. It places incentive and encourages investments on ALTERNATIVES to relying on Oil PERIOD. Windfall taxes encourage advancement and... you guessed it.... change.

Obama knocked the ball out of the park last night. Both Bidens as well as John Kerry knocked it out the night before. If Obama did implement windfall tax on oil profits he would prevent oil companies from being able to bump up the price because of the tax, something Palin WASn't able to do when she originally voted to (HELLO) raise taxes on oil profits in August 2006 because she wasn't also president of the country, which was the cause of the rise in prices after she voted for the tax. All of this will come out to the public eye soon. I certainly hope Obama makes a point of this, and I can only imagine it's comin' big time.

So then.. McCain tries to steal the thunder by announcing his VP pick the day after Obama's historic nomination acceptance speech at the DNC, which undeniably detracted from people otherwise going to the news to see recaps. Nice, McCain, I gotta hand it to ya.. you DO know how to play politics.

BUT. considering the fact that McCain's most significant talking point against Obama is a so-called "lack of experience", McCain's decision to pick an unknown, completely inexperienced VP, this choice displays just one thing: political panic.

Well... not to mention gender based manipulation, irresponsibility, and politically motivated judgement to benefit John McCain, and not the United States.

I can't speak for women, but I find his pick horridly insulting. It's all the guise of exalting women in leadership... which I don't argue, is a good thing. My woman boss is easily the best boss I've ever had. I have no idea what her wage is but It certainly BETTER be higher than any Male boss I've ever had. But even she, who is on the fence politically couldn't help bringing this topic up with me first thing Friday morning, expressing her complete disgust with both McCain for selling out women and insulting their ability to follow politics enough to care about the issues, but also she was utterly sickened by Palin for accepting to be such an obvious pawn. I have to agree completely, I can't see how this pick won't backfire.

He'll probably forget her name publicly and call her Michelle or something. (he met her in person ONCE before choosing her as VP)

If I were a McCain supporter I might be blind to the fact that putting this inexperienced pawn into a vice presidential position demonstrates extremely poor judgement as it's a terribly irresponsible decision, but I really don't think McCain supporters are blind.

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daveclay said...

"She and other Alaska elected officials fear a listing will cripple oil and gas development in prime polar bear habitat off the state's northern and northwestern coasts.

Palin argued there is not enough evidence to support a listing. Polar bears are well-managed and their population has dramatically increased over 30 years as a result of conservation, she said."

wentzr said...

"Climate models that predict continued loss of sea ice, the main habitat of polar bears, during summers are unreliable", Palin said.

WOW is she FOS.

My retired parents were up in Alaska on a sea boat tour two years ago... They have dozens of pictures of glacier tumbling into the ocean. They're conservatives, mind you and weren't out looking for it, it just happened every which way they looked. It really struck them. It was right about the time that they decided they were going to replace their car with a hybrid.

It's not a knock on my parents in any way because I completely commend them for making a realization but I've been waiting for an opportunity to comment on here that it is obnoxious to see the Republican party running their campaign on ... uhm... change when these asshats (the same ones who were flipping us hybrid drivin "liberals" off from their 5 mpg bush/cheney mobile a couple years ago) are now including the same policies Gore was trying to wake people up to EIGHT freakin years ago.

come on people, wake up. McCain is a tool.

wentzr said...

"he would prevent oil companies from being able to bump up the price because of the tax, something Palin WASn't able to do when she originally voted to (HELLO) raise taxes on oil profits in August 2006 because she wasn't also president of the country, which was the cause of the rise in prices after she voted for the tax."

I really didn't explain this well and I hope people get it. Palin voted FOR windfall taxes on oil company profits in the state of Alaska as Governor of the state in 2007. It had a negative effect for consumers (voters) but a positive effect on the oil companies.

This backfired on Palin as gas prices were astronomically high in Alaska and her tax was pointed towards as the reason for the high prices, so she flipped her position and went against windfall taxes, which McCain's camp is exclusively highlighting.

The KEY FACTOR is that President Bush ALLOWED the oil companies to RAISE the speculated price with the windfall tax factored in.... so the price to consumers was TWICE that what it would be to EVERY STATE in the country, as a result of her voting for this tax... so it didn't just effect Alaska, Bush's loophole ripped off the entire country and that's only the beginning. Yeah she WAS a maverick, it didn't work for her politically so she switched gears... and now even after her statements to the New Yorker she's allowing the Republican party to pull her strings.

Replace Bush with Obama and any person who has played into artificially raising prices for YOU at the pump will be famous. You will know their names. Most of those at the top of the list you already KNOW... Bush, McCain and Cheney will be on the top of the short list, I guarantee you. I admit, it's getting old to hear Obama's camp repeat that voting for McCain is voting for four more years of the same. Obama's campaign is going to need to nail down more explicit ways of pinning McCain down in regards to his voting record... it is public record... and those of us who know how to look have looked. ... but my gut is telling me that even the 90+% voting record with Bush and 10% change rhetoric isn't going to be enough to illustrate this to the American public.

Yeah Obama hasn't even put his gloves on yet. His strategies are well calculated and I can't wait to watch Obama knock McCain out in the debates which the republican's have been whining that Obama "won't do"... you have no idea what's coming, my friends.

must read