Promising a "very bipartisan approach" to how he'll run his administration, Sen. John McCain said in an interview broadcast Sunday that he would appoint Democrats to his Cabinet.
Sen. John McCain says he would put the "best" and "smartest people in America" in his Cabinet.
Speaking to CBS' "Face the Nation," the Republican presidential nominee vowed that he won't just have a single token Democrat in his Cabinet.
"It's going to be the best people in America, the smartest people in America," McCain said. "So many of these problems we face -- for example, energy independence -- what's partisan about that?"
Who MADE it a partisan issue and is now pretending they've been supporting it all along? Your party dragged Carter and Gore into the ground over caring about our dependence on foreign oil back when we could have done something to avoid the trouble we're now in.
Ok, so my question to you is was Sarah Palin the best and smartest person available to John McCain as a VP pick?
Please, take a second to answer the poll question I just posted.
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I believe McCain has Palin as his running mate, because he had to get someone outside of the Washington atmosphere. Palin is hard working, and has made major accomplishments in her state. Being an unknown was one of the major reasons she was chosen. Anyone else, it would have been called "another Bush lover". She may not be the best qualified (I don't know who I would have picked), but it sure threw the Dems off their game. She will do a good job.
"it sure threw the Dems off their game"
yeah.. that was the reason she was picked, which is my point.
what if???
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