Wednesday, December 10, 2008

"either way, we're cool"

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Anonymous said...

i wonder if they got the huge bailout, if there could be something in the contract that they have to research and produce xxx amount of cars that are more fuel efficient? i think maybe so many people owuldn't lose their jobs.

wentzr said...

Appointing an "auto-industry-czar" to ensure the big three were complying to efficiency standards was the proposed conditional along with the bail out, but the bailout didnt pass the Senate... I'm actually shocked that it didn't pass. The Auto Workers Union balked when asked to lower wages... bickering ensued and POOF! that was the end of the bailout's chances. Can you believe it... it came down to whether or not UNION WORKERS should have their wages lowered... yeah.. right.. because union workers are the real culprits here right? give me a break. what a sham.

I agree wholeheartedly with Republican senator Richard Shelby. "Bailouts" dont work. They hold nobody accountable. If my mom and pops had to bail me out every time i was broke I'd never have the ambition I have to make a life for myself. America will benefit from competition. 300 million people in this country. the largest automobile market in the world. If we seize the moment and start developing CAR V2 instead of bailing out CAR V1 this country's economy (and the example it sets to the world) will only benefit. (thanks jen for posting this article from the economist.

"Bailing out Detroit would be a bad use of public money. It would be bad in principle, because it would be an open invitation to companies everywhere to apply for aid to survive the recession."


The reality is that It's up to 300 million Americans to save America's economy, not a blank check from the government. Ask yourself where the governments money comes from.

What can we do? Get to work. Do your job (if you still have a job) and find ways to do it better than you did yesterday. We are all in this economic mess together.