Monday, July 14, 2008

McCain: "How to kill Iranians"

It's not whether you were serious or not that has people concerned, John.. It's the fact that your mind is twisted enough to even think this way in the first place...

...and you're running for _president_?

I wonder how red Joe Lieberman's face turned when he heard you spill this one out?

Playin: Firewater-"Already Gone" from the highly recommended album "The Golden Hour"

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Anonymous said...


2) I'm reading a book called "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man"... which is fun. Not quite as much fun as Robert Baer's book See No Evil.

3) I'm drinking beer outside and its 70'. I'm just going to pretend this is SFO.

4) The actual New Yorker article is not bad, if you can stomach getting past the cover.

wentzr said...

1) wait... you mean George W Bush formed an oil company in the late 70s that was funded by James Bath, the same James Bath that has been investing in and representing the Saudi Binladin Group???

Wow that's right up there with.. giving Obama a deal on a house in Hyde Park!!!! Why I aughta...

2) recommendation soon to be acted upon, thanks!

3) Need a place to crash next time you're out here, just say the word!!

4) Yeah anytime sarcasm needs to be explained, it's failed. I can't wait till they run the cover showing McCain cheating on his wife (or "c*nt" as he calls her), pointing to USSR and Czechoslovakia on the map trying to cover up his "how to exterminate all muslims" and "stealing from the middleclass" handbooks, with the US Constitution in the fireplace and a picture of founding fathers on the wall, entitled "Left-Winged Insurgents".

wentzr said...

HA! ->

vanity fair cover

well.. no comment.
I'm only surprised it took so long!