"NATO should extend membership to two former Soviet republics (Ukraine and Georgia), and any Russian invasion of a NATO state could lead to a conflict with the U.S.", Republican vice presidential candidate Gov. Sarah Palin told ABC News.
"We have got to show the support, in this case, for Georgia. The support that we can show is economic sanctions perhaps against Russia, if this is what it leads to," she said.
However, the United States and Russia "cannot repeat the Cold War," the Alaska governor said in her first interview since becoming Sen. John McCain's running mate.
Why, then Sarah Palin, are you attempting to grab the steering wheel of foreign relations and drive this nation into a head-on collision with your neighbor, Russia???
Contrary to your statement to ABC news today which will be airing on 20/20 tomorrow night, you don't realize something, Sarah Palin. For the past 20 years the United States has been easily getting away with demoralizing Russia politically, after the decline of the Soviet Union. Read history. Foresight helps resolve conflicts by not getting into them in the first place.
Things have changed, Sarah Palin. It is not wise of you to follow in McCain's shoes by taunting Russia with belligerent and irrelevant "tough talk".. "ECONOMIC SANCTIONS" on Russia? Are you out of your mind? Uhm... and how much of a bargaining chip is the US economy these days to a nation that is drowning in OIL, the worlds numero uno commodity?
Am I the only one to notice that McCain and Palin have been more vocal about foreign "relations" with Russia than our President has been? Why is that?
Sarah Palin's threats to Russia are reflections of insecurities in her own understanding of foreign politics. Before she continues threatening the world's underground superpower, I'd like to know her credentials for talking on such a subject with more responsibility than she has completely come to terms with yet.
I'd describe McCain and Palin not so much of mavericks as they are kamikazes
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Cold Warrior, Sarah Palin
Cold War,
Economic Sanctions,
Foreign Policy,
John McCain,
Sarah Palin,
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Don't be so hard on Sarah Palin. I think she is holding her own, and most of the things she is saying is the "Republican Views" not necessarily hers. She has had great accomplishments for the short term she has been Govenor. I can't imagine doing your job one day, then suddenly the entire world watching your every move.
She has relitively the same experience as Obama (maybe a bit more) Putting all of Obamas promises aside, what has he accomplished that makes you say "I want him to run the country"?
what has he accomplished that makes you say "I want him to run the country"?
It doesn't come down to accomplishments as it does character and judgement. I believe Obama has far better judgement than McCain or Palin. His first major move of selecting a running mate shows the clear difference between the two candidates thought process. Obama wants the best for his country so he goes with someone with extensive experience with foreign relations. McCain wants to win the election so he pulls a gimmick. I don't care about any of the other campaign noise going on. I want to be able to go to sleep at night knowing my country is in the best hands it could possibly be in.
McCain is just playing politics, that's exactly what he's claiming he's going to "reform" in Washington. McCain has been blowing up a smoke screen of gimmicks since as far as I can remember back in this election. What is Sarah Palin going to reform, Her running mate??
I'm going to be hard on Sarah Palin. I'm not going to feel bad for her because she decided to run for vice-presidency. I'm a critical thinker, and that's what critical thinkers do: we analyze and act on our judgement.
Does any of the initial article you are commenting on resignate in any way shape or form? Do you follow what is going on in the world around us? It's really our responsibility as voters to wise up and keep up with what is going on so we can use this opportunity to see how our candidates might act as leaders of our country.
That light of Sarah Palin you seem to see at the end of the tunnel?
Uhm. That's actually a train.
Ps Stat,
I appreciate your thoughts. I want you to know I do respect your opinions here and I hope I don't slam my views down your throat _too_ hard... I do feel strongly about the topics I bring up here as you can tell :)
It should come down to accomplishments. Could you imaging getting on an airplane and hearing "This is your Captain speaking, I have never flown a plane but don't worry, I have good judgement, and you know this because I am telling you so"
When you think about it, You have no proof he has good judgement, all you know is his words. So many people have bought into his dream of change. If he could say, "I know I can do the job because I have accomplished (fill in the blank)". But he can't do that. This election, becoming a Dem President should have been an easy task. With Bush approval ratings in the toilet, and all the poor judgement this administration has made, it should have been easy. Especially with the Obama people likening McCain to Bush, and calling him McShame. People are starting to think, "Obama can talk the talk, but can he walk the walk" I know you believe Biden is a good choice, but even he came out yesterday and said Hillary would have been a better choice for VP.
Palin is a good choice. McCain had to find someone far away from Washington and the Bush ties. Palin comes with an 80% rating, making her the most popular Rep. Govenor. She has made great strides in Alaska, and she also comes with experience in energy, oil and gas. Judging her on her accomplishments, she is far more qualified to be VP, than Obama is to be president.
I follow what is going on in the world. I know we need a great president and a strong goverment, one that will defend the country against terrorists and not try to befriend them.
One final thing that bothers me is, if Obama is so honorable, why does he have so many alliases? (this REALLY bothers me)
BARRY OBAMA , a/k/a :
As for McCain and Sarah Palins' alliases, oh wait, they don't have any.
Oh...I forgot to ask....
Have you been watching the antics of Obama over the Georgia/Russia conflict? You sure came down on Sarah Palins response, but the joke of the day was Obamas response. When everything came down, and McCain made a statement "we would stand behind our Georgia allies", they tracked down Obama on holidays in Hawaii. He made is standard "people of the world need to unite" and then had to google Georgia to see what side we were on..HA! Then he came out with a statement like McCain. It was funny. Thank heavens for google, because all Obama could think was...Uh Oh, the price of peaches are going to sky rocket.
Thaks, Stat for your reply. This is a good conversation.
"It should come down to accomplishments. Could you imaging getting on an airplane and hearing "This is your Captain speaking, I have never flown a plane but don't worry, I have good judgement, and you know this because I am telling you so"
Neither candidate has presidential experience, no candidate can. This tactic of claiming the younger candidate has "no experience" is not new, it's been being used since Lincoln's time.
Your analogy is moot and manipulative. What does a president do? Make sound choices for the people of the country. What does pilot do? Fly planes. What do you need to fly a plane? flight training. What do you need to make good choices? You got it! - good judgement. .. And Obama, no matter how you try to belittle it, has a LIFETIME of experience of dedicating his time to his community and his country, in effort to clean up Washington's mess... so i see his resume for the objective of "making sound choices for the people of the country" more than qualifying.
Hypothetically, If Obama were president during 2000 you and I both know we would NOT be in Iraq because you and I both know Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11 and has only become the center on the "war on terror" because we MADE it the center of the war on terror. This war has done nothing but justify anti-American sentiment around the globe. On 9/11 THOUSANDS of IRANIAN citizens gathered in Tehran to MOURN for the United States. and today Russia laughs at us for telling them not to invade a nation.
I rest my case... for now.
Regarding the nicknames and googling Georgia...
Can you site your sources on these stories please? I'd like to see something credible before I waste time proving how misguided these accusations are.
Regarding your comments on Obama's handling of the Georgian and Russian conflict, it's a good point I'm glad you bring up.
Obama has been much more cautious with his rhetoric and went towards a side I didn't see as easily as he did, to be honest.
and lets be clear, Obama's statement was
“Now is the time for Georgia and Russia to show restraint and to avoid an escalation to full-scale war”
Obama urged talks, not war.. This was a far more measured response than the barks that came from Bush, Rice and McCain.
I think without a doubt Russia's attack on Georgia was overkill, however I fail to see how a pointed threat regarding invading another nation coming from the United States could be taken seriously.
Hey Wentzr: Thanks for your response.
Maybe my comment to google to find out what side we were on was over the top, but he clearly didn't have a clue what was going on when he was tracked down in Hawaii to respond to the Russia/Georgia conflict.
You asked for source to what I am saying. Well, I have learned I cannot rely mainly on the news. Especially when it comes to this election. I have never in my life seen so many slanted views coming out of our news.
There is an interesting book out called "Obama Nation" written by Jerome Corsi PhD. Dr Corsi received his PhD From Harvard University, and has written several books over the years. He is not a member of either the Conservative or Republican Party. It is an eye opening book, and he writes about Obama and his involvement with Saul Alinsky school of radical community organizing. Alinsky used the battle cry of “Change” as a code word for a socialist redistribution of wealth.
Dr. Corsi brought up a number of interesting facts, it is worth reading.
As for the war. It is easy for Obama to say "I never voted for the war" when he wasn't in a possition to vote. That is down right silly.
You're right. The war isn't about 911, but it is happening, there are people dieing, and it needs to be addressed. It is costly, but I believe retrobution will come from Iraq. I believe it would be appauling, and irresponsible to just up and withraw from Iraq.
Here is a little tid bit you may not know. One of the most famous speeches of the 20th century was Kennedy "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". This speech was written by a guy called Ted Sorenson, who is now writing Obamas speeches. Things that make you go hrmmmmmmmmmm
thanks for the thoughts.
But..Please.. no quoting C+C Music Factory on this blog.
The rest of your comments i will get back to, after i recoil from that last line.
Ok.. we're getting off topic here, but regarding using Saul Alinsky/redistributing the wealth/Marxism/Socialism as a zinger-slam against Barack Obama's economic policy...
Wake up and smell the Lehman collapse.
Something is wrong with the economy in this country, and it has everything to do with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
Money is mismanaged, There are too many loopholes benefiting large corporations that John McCain has done next to nothing to stop since he's been in Senate. What is he going to reform??
It's too bad we live in a world where a person who stands strong to identify a problem, present an obvious solution gets ignorantly demonized by equally ignorant labels... as if voters continue to buy into these cheap shots our nation just might prove suicidal and vote again for the GOP.
It is not "silly" to point to Barack Obama's stance against the Iraq war when he was an Illinois Senator in 2002. He was DEAD ON. His stance is a clear indication of his foresight which could have saved the WORLD from this mess.
I believe I hit a nerve metioning Saul Alinsky. You should do some reading on who this man was, and how he opperated. You might be uncomfortably surprised how he and Obama opperate.
If you look at the economic situation for most major countries right now, you will see we are not the only ones hurting. As a matter a fact, we are doing far better than many countries. (I am not implying we are doing great)
Was the war a bad idea...yes
Are we suffering ecomonically...yes
Has this administration made bad choices....yes
Does all administrations make bad choices from time to time....yes
Nobody has a magic wand to fix the country. That being said, we do need someone with experience, and not a motivational speaker.
Obama received 52% of the vote in the March 2004 primary, and became a member of the Senate in July, 2004
So PLEASE quit with Obama saving us in 2002.
ummmm you said
It's too bad we live in a world where a person who stands strong to identify a problem, present an obvious solution gets ignorantly demonized by equally ignorant labels......
What exactly is the "Obvious Solution"
"Obama received 52% of the vote in the March 2004 primary, and became a member of the Senate in July, 2004
So PLEASE quit with Obama saving us in 2002."
uhm... Yes, that's the US SENATE.
Obama was an Illinois State Senator from 1997-2004. Get your facts straight.
what's his obvious solution?
It's right at your fingertips, why not look at the candidate's website and read it straight from the horses mouth?
Here you can read the breakdown of the numbers.. how the average tax bill could change depending on who is elected
McCain claims the economy is fundamentally strong. Ohhhh boy.
math isn't your forte is it !!
Take a really good look at those links.
CNN link / Obama Link: the major difference doesn't come until you making over $200,000. Yet Obama promises to hand out $50 billion dollar windfall, and a $1,000 energy relief money for middle class family households (250 million people, totals 250 billion dollars) Elderly (7 million people) eliminate IRS taxes (which works out to 9.8 billion dollars). This is just to name a few of his promises.
He will never pass this by congress. The country cant afford this.
BUT it is his political ploy to get into the white house
stats really aren't your thing, are they, stat?
I'm wondering if your foot is going to still be in your mouth by the time i return from vacation.
I don't know who does your taxes, but to save you embarrassment in the future, a negative number means a return. A positive number means you owe.
so you do know math 101
I thought my point was simple, but I guess it wasn't
First off...what majority of the country do you think makes 2.9 million dollars. When your salary is in that range, you create companies and write offs so you seldom show that income. Same goes for incomes over 600 thousand. I am saying in the mid bracket there isn't that big of a difference. What's a few thousand dollars when you are earning over 200 grand. Trust me, I know.
That too being said. Look at the money he is promising. He is promising the world, and since there is NO way we can afford it, it will NEVER pass congress.
There is an old saying...If someone sells you a diamond for a dime, chances are you don't have a diamond worth a plug nickle.
Think about it, and ease up on the Obama kool-aide
"Stat" on, 8/25/08, wrote about Obama on her blog: "Mind you, he spins a good yarn. I must compliment the person who writes his speeches."
Then "Stat" on, 9/15/08, commented here about Obama: "Here is a little tid bit you may not know. One of the most famous speeches of the 20th century was Kennedy "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". This speech was written by a guy called Ted Sorenson, who is now writing Obamas speeches."
See? You were inspired by blogging to become more enlightened and informed! I applaud that. Gold stars for everyone.
Thanks for your patience with my posting your reply, I've been on vacation in NYC for a few days.
I'm going to move the discussion on Obama and McCain's economic policy into a new blog post.
I'd like to keep these somewhat on topic.
If you'd like to comment on Sarah Palin's foreign policy, this is the place to do it.
If you want to compare Obama and McCain's economic policy, go to today's post.
Hope you had fun in the Big Apple.
I doubt Palin or Biden have their own foreign policy. At this stage of the election their job is to support their running mate.
Ergo...nothing more to add
I see what you're saying. McCain didn't pick Palin to help broaden his ticket with experience with crucial affairs... So as far as the Republican ticket, you're going to be relying on John McCain, who holds NO membership in a single committee on foreign affairs, in stark contrast to Obama's membership in a plethora of committees and subcommittees on foreign affairs.
Actually, Biden was chosen as Obama's running mate largly in part to add to his tickets capacity for handling foreign affairs. When the McCain camp criticizes Biden's 36 years in washington, they are criticizing his experience as a long time foreign relations committee member and current chairman.
Furthermore, if there is nothing to add, why do we find Palin continuing to tangle herself in a web of foreign affairs which she knows nothing about? Why doesn't she just keep her mouth shut and direct all questions to McCain?
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