Thursday, September 4, 2008

General Election is off...

Well the Republican National Convention is over, so you can lower the tarp from over your head, for now. Make sure to only touch the bottom side and dispose of it in a sealed receptacle promptly.

"Please, please my friends, my dear friends, please don't be diverted by the ground noise and the static"

Don't worry John, your campaign is as transparent as your inability to speak to anyone outside that same rootin tootin base that cheered only a little bit louder for Bush in 2004.

Palin was an effective speaker if a sock puppet can be an effective actor... We'll see how she deals with the media, which has barely scratched the surface of really looking at Sarah Polin's political life.

By the way John and Sarah, welcome to the scrutiny of American media. Despite an apparent wide case of amnesia among Republicans, Sarah Palin's family is not the first politician's family to get thrown into the ring this year. Get used to it.

I was shocked that the party crossed over a certain line by belittling the aspirations of millions of Americans who dedicate their life to cleaning up Washington's mess by volunteering in their cities and communities. I mean, Palin's words speak for themselves.. she doesn't consider the dedication of community organizers an "actual responsibility"?? Slight conflict of interest there Sarah... These are Americans who sacrifice time from their jobs, their families and friends to commit themselves to serving here at home, on our city streets and communities in need... not exactly the class of Americans you'd want to have demanding an apology from you as they are now.

Yeah, I guess Pitbulls aren't really well known for their good judgement.

So, what it comes down it is the question: Did the Republicans convince me at this year's convention that John McCain is well suited to lead this country in the right direction? No, not so much.

They did a great job at diverting from that incapability by focusing on every single thing BUT McCain's (lack of?) solutions, though.

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stat said...

Thanks for responding to my post at HaloScan. We clearly have a different outlook, and that is alright. In a time of war, I would rather go with someone who has experience, rather than someone who hasnt even been a boyscout. It is easy to stand up in front of a croud of people, see their need, and promise to make their dreams come true. The elderly and poor will get healthcare, to the families with of the solders in Iraq, promise to bring their loved ones home, to the ones struggling to put kids through school, promise $4,000. The wish list goes on. Now, lets be realistic. He has not been able to do anything even remotely close to this in his own state, how will he do it for the country. To top it all off, he wants to make nicey nice with the countries who are talking about making nuclear bombs. It is all a pipe dream and he has an agenda to make history. I fear if this man gets in, we will have a lot to worry about.

wentzr said...

Thanks for your respectable post, stat. It sounds like we're both the type to be grateful we live in a country where we can make our voice be heard, in hopes of taking one step closer to protecting our country and ensuring it's success.

Regarding the boyscout talk, I do think you're missing the point regarding where Obama's focus has been for the majority of his adult life. While McCain was voting down veteran benefits due to economic strain and completely SIDELINING the mistreatment of vets of the same war he was captured in, Obama was working in the south side of Chicago, doing everything he could to help clean up Washington's mess. That's Mayor Washington (and Daley) as well as Washington DC. I grew up in Illinois, and I remember project vote (an organization Obama LED) making a difference in 92 and 93... helping to elect Clinton into office after Bush Sr declared his frightening "new world order".. From where I stand, Obama has kicked ASS consistently since he was younger than I am now.

Regarding the details of your post... yeah the list goes on indeed.. McCain promises change in Washington. ha funny. The only change I see McCain making in Washington with certainty is a need to fit in the budget a war in Iran and if he continues on with the completely ignorant BS rhetoric, most certainly a war with Russia. oh.. and not to mention more war with Iraq (with no outcome other than increasing Anti-American sentiment, driving up militant recruitment in the middle east of Anti-US forces) as well as keeping the hunt for Bin Laden a sub-priority.. I mean lets face it.. if we catch Bin Laden, the war on terror is morally over, right?

Forget the tax cuts political game going on between Obama and McCain.. it's politics as usual, and guess what.. Obama and McCain are politicians... what this election comes down to is who has the better judgement.

You said "In a time of war, I would rather go with someone who has experience, rather than someone who hasnt even been a boyscout."

uhm... what experience are you speaking of? I mean.. yeah McCain has experience being dead wrong, but I have yet to find a McCain supporter able to convincingly convey to me that McCain has better judgement than Obama. POW status is moot. It's insulting to American voters that we should assume since he was shot down in Vietnam and lived to tell the tail that we should award him with presidency during the most trying times of our nation. I don't want a Bulldog and a Pitbull in office. That's not much better than a cowboy and a hunter with bad aim. I want a president who has clear judgement, as that's the quality in John F Kennedy that saved our country from a nuclear war with Russia during the Cuban Missile crisis. I have no hesitation in piecing together from McCain's rhetoric that if he (McCain) were in command of the military during something like that back then, half of us wouldn't be alive to even CAST our vote this November.

wentzr said...


Regarding my comment on catching Bin Laden...

After 9/11 the focus was on finding Bin Laden. Finding and bringing him to justice was the metric of success on the war on terror.

Following the US lead invasion of Iraq, the metric of the "war on terror" was blown WIDE open to, as McCain would summarize "defeating evil"...

I'm curious, as an apparent McCain supporter, how do you define success in Iraq, and how can you defeat a war on a resistance against the war you are fighting??

Anonymous said...

Contention, accusation, and alleged under-handedness between folks sharing viewpoints saddens me deeply. We'll never convince others to change their opinion. But we, as writers, may be able to enlighten and inform. I don't see why folks like to mirror the candidates by escalating political differences and pointing fingers. Whistle blowing has an important place, but is it necessary on the opinion sharing level?

Okay, now that my feelings are out of the way. Palin's job will be to open the gates and escort all to drill for oil along the shores of Alaska and in ANWR. Her husband works for BP. And wouldn't that be great business for them! (Also, maybe making Alaska the nation's new Oil Mecca will bring some people to Wasilla to use the money pit multi-complex sports arena Palin had built when she was the mayoral figure-head there.)

And how anyone would think that trying to understand an enemy is a bad idea, makes me feel anxious. The first step to ending war is to 'play nice-nice' by trying to understand the culture of those with whom we disagree. We did not get to know Vietnamese culture before invading, and that whipped around to bite us hard on the tail. The best way to serve/save the Iraqi people is to get to know them and help them rebuild their community. Obama has nothing but experience with that.

If I wanted more war, I'd vote for someone with war experience. But I don't want more war. Also, India is developing nuclear technology, along with Korea, and probably even Thailand. That does not necessarily mean they are studying it for the purpose of bombing. Convincing the American people that bomb-building is what we're fighting is called 'manufactured consent', please don't drink that kool-aid.

stat said...

miss conduct

Since most of what you said was in reference to my post, I thought I best respond.

You're right, no matter what we say to each other, it will not change the others opinion.
You are also right, when you say Obama has experience in being a community activist. But, when you are talking about being a community activist in Iraq, that is an entirely different ball game. If he tries to be an activist in Iraq, he will be saying "We're not in Kansas anymore ToTo" HA! In that part of the world, you don't even know who the enemy is, it could be a child walking into a market, or a car driving down the street.

My heart goes out to the people of Iraq. We have lost thousands of men and women, but they have lost hundreds of thousands men, women and children. I recall an Iraqi woman saying "Samdam took my husband, and Bush took my son". If nothing else, that shows we have a responsibility to set things right. Nobody wants more war, but if you listen to the people fighting over there, they will tell you it is too soon for them to come home. I have a cousin that has been over there for three years.

Anonymous said...

"...In that part of the world, you don't even know who the enemy is, it could be a child walking into a market, or a car driving down the street."

Stat - Thank you for your kind response. I'd love to know where your information supporting this statement comes from. In my own experience, it can be like this on a milder level in America, too. ;)

"but if you listen to the people fighting over there, they will tell you it is too soon for them to come home. I have a cousin that has been over there for three years."

It'd be informative to me if you provided links to what 'the people fighting over there are saying'. If your information about what it's like in Iraq comes from what your cousin reports, I would love, love, love to read more about that on your blog.

I still don't see evidence supporting Robert's question as to what makes McCain more qualified than Obama (other than 'vote for me 'cause I got this Hot Babe with tons of oil').

stat said...

miss conduct

If you want to know more about people being used as human bombs, or cars being used to blow up different areas, I don't need to send you a link. Watch any news channel, it happens on a regular basis.

As for links to what the soldiers are saying over there, that too I don't have. I rely on family members, whom I trust. Right now I have a cousin in Iraq, a cousins son in Afganistan, and a client being depoyed this week to Afganistan. I keep in touch with the family through facebook most of the time. Maybe if I get their permission, I will hook you up. (Trusting you are not a wacco HA!)

As for your final question. I have no intentions on trying to talk you into voting for one or the other. I know McCain at this point is the best fit for me. He comes with life experience, job experience, foreign affairs experience and I never get the feeling he is just telling me what I want to hear. It will not be an easy task getting the country out of the mess it is in, but I have more confidence in McCain.

Remember one thing miss conduct, no matter who wins, there will be a lot of unhappy people. This race is far too close to call. Once it is over, I will support who ever is elected.

Anonymous said...

stet - Thank you again. This is exactly the information I was looking for. If you choose to share what your family reports (names are not necessary), I'd love to read that on your blog, for I feel it may be more genuine than American Mass Media on the topic right now. I am on Facebook. However, it's highly probable that you would consider me a wacko. :D

All the best and may your friends and relatives return home safe and sound.

wentzr said...

Stat -

I thought we might engage in a conversation about the core issues but you apparently have retreated away ...

Well, for the sake of my family and yours, I hope you are thinking more about these important questions today than you were yesterday.

Thanks for dropping by.

Anonymous said...

oops. Didn't mean to scare anyone away. Please forgive, I'm sorry. :(

stat said...


I never retreat

wentzr said...

Good. In that case, you wouldn't want this question to slip through the cracks.. You haven't addressed it yet.

I'm curious, as an apparent McCain supporter, how do you define success in Iraq?

stat said...

Success will come when the people of Iraq are able to take care of themselves. We have taken so much from them, they need to be funtional on their own. I don't know how long that will take, and neither would anyone who isn't qualified to make that assessment.
For Obama to have a timeline is merely word candy to drum up votes. He simply isn't qualified. This war has been going on for years, it will take more than one drive-by visit in Iraq to make an intelligent decision.

wentzr said...

Stat, you said
"For Obama to have a timeline is merely word candy to drum up votes. "

Actually, I see setting a timetable a bit like giving a high school student a due date on a homework assignment. How is the student ever going to graduate if you don't set up a timetable? Why is a timetable such a terrifying thing to Bush and McCain?

I totally agree with you on the point that a victory will come in Iraq when Iraqi police forces stand up. However they will NEVER stand up if Iraqi security forces are given the impression that US military forces will be there to take the bullets for them for the next 100 years.

stat said...

From the news that I've read, progress in being made. Everything takes time. When McCain said 100 years, he was simply saying that the US has troops all over the world, and they will remain as long as they are needed.

This is about as far as you can get from a students term paper, but lets use that for an example. Lets say we pull out on Obama's timeline. Lets assume it is too soon, but what the heck, we have spent enough time and lost enough lives to be concerned. We can say, we should never have been there in the first place. That seems to be a coined phrase on the political trail.

Since this war started, Iraq has been devistated by the loss of over 350,000 lives. Their homes destroyed, their jobs disappeared. Not our fault, lets pull out because we gave our timeline. We can count on the talliban, Iranians, or some other crazy group coming in and seizing control of the country. It is vulnerable, ripe for the picking. Now they have the country, and the wealth of the oil. Not our problem, right? I mean, we tried, we lost over 3,000 men and women.

I recall an Iraqi woman being interviewed on CNN. She said, Sadam Hussein took my husband, and Bush took my son. Wouldn't it be a sick ironic mess if she could add a man by the name of Hussein sold out our country.

I know there are a lot of families that just want their children back from Iraq. I truely know that feeling. But to use that as a way to pull on the heart strings of those families for a political gain is just outrageous.

I know McCain shot himself in the foot saying we could be there for 100 years, but he understands war. Sure, he could have stood up and said we will have the troops home next year, but it took guts and integrity to be honest to the American people (because he knew the trueth would cost him votes).

I don't recall Obama ever sticking his neck for a belief.