Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Who's a "do nothing Senator"?

A few things strike me. I still hear Obama referred to as a "do-nothing-senator". You'd think people would look this information up before making a complete fool of themselves and try to bolster support for McCain by comparing Senate records.. Lets look at this, shall we?

I was looking at John McCain's Committee membership and see he is a member of only the Committee and subcommittees on Armed Services, Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation and he's a member of the Committee on Indian Affairs.

If John McCain is running for president...

Why isn't he a member of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs??

That's a pretty important Committee. Barack Obama is a member.

Why isn't McCain a member of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs?? Obama is.
(ed: I'm not making this up, I was TOTALLY blown away to see the disregard in John McCain's judgement in deciding it wasn't worth his time or efforts to join any of these committees during his TWENTY SIX years in senate...)

Why isn't McCain a member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, or the subcommittees on either European Affairs, African Affairs, East Asian Affairs or Pacific Affairs?

Guess who is?
Yep, Barack Obama.

(ed: Yes!! I too, feel the need to vomit out of my nose for even having to say any of this. I was STUNNED to find this out while comparing the two candidates... but it does not end there...)

McCain has sponsored 537 bills since 1993, a rate of 35.8 bills a year.
Obama has sponsored 136 bills since 2005, a rate of 45.3 bills a year.

McCain has co-sponsored 1232 bills since 1993, a rate of 82.13 bills a year.
Obama has co-sponsored 659 bills since 2005, a rate of 219 bills a year.

Barack Obama missed 301 of 1282 roll call votes (23%) since Jan 6, 2005
John McCain missed 733 of 4099 roll call votes (18%) since Feb 4, 1993

Both of these percentages are quite high, but a look at the missed votes by month for both candidates (McCain, Obama) clearly indicates that their presidential campaign has driven them both to miss more than a majority of votes since 2007. It is staggering to note that when you add up McCain's missed votes since Obama took a seat in the US Senate, McCain has missed 39.7% of roll call votes.

And with that in mind,
John McCain has sponsored 38 pieces of legislation this term.
Barack Obama has sponsored 129 pieces of legislation this term.

Call Obama a do-nothing Senator one more time, McCain. I love watching you try to keep a straight face while you try to detract the country from how you fall short miserably.

*my source for this data is www.govtrack.us and a calculator.

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Anonymous said...

This is "Q-sama" from livejournal - redirected here by a comment posted. I found this particular entry to be illuminating.


wentzr said...

You are welcome!

This post started after I had a reader tell me that one of the top five reasons McCain should be president are his Senate Committee memberships... ouch.

I mean really! all this POW flag waving yet McCain's not even a member of the Committee on Veterans' Affairs??!! Are you kidding me, John McCain?

Yeah, these facts and the numbers don't lie. Please share them.

stat said...

Oh my dear wentzr, you have a short memory for Obama. I can appreciate it, because you believe in your heart of hearts he is the best candidate. I understand. Well, here goes. Your golden boy didn't join any of these committees until a year after he threw his hat into the presidental ring. Also, prior to his running, the majority of his votes were "stay" middle of the road, not for or against. Everyone gave him a very hard time about that, and suddenly he started to take a stand.
He did all this for icing on the cake. I am certain if he wasn't running for president, he would still be voting middle of the road and not a member of any of these committees.

wentzr said...

I... sort of get your argument... For McCain to educate himself and surround himself with crucial elements such as foreign policy, homeland security and the economy would have been superficial. So would have picking a solid VP who would be good for the country.

You don't understand how senators vote. They have three options: RED GREEN or YELLOW. Red is NAY. Green is YEA, Yellow is PRESENT (not "STAY"). When a senator is presented with a bill that he or she believes might be unconstitutional, they have the option of voting present. "THAT one" holds a the record of present votes in senate, probably largely due to the fact that BUSH was pushing the bills through congress, and my golden boy knows constitutional law like John McCain knows playing craps.

stat said...

I know you adore Obama. He is charasmatic, a motivator, he will make changes. What if his words were someone elses? Would that make a difference? Would that make him a great politician or a great actor?

I posted this youtube on my blog, but I wanted to give it to you directly. Just because you're special :) I wonder at the end of this youtube if Obama is pointing right at you


wentzr said...

So you're going to end this conversation with, "HEY LOOK!!!!! A PUPPY!!!???"
